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Hair cycling is a term that is becoming increasingly popular both inside and outside of the hairdressing industry, and for good reason too. As hair professionals, we all know the importance of maintaining healthy hair and helping our clients achieve their desired hair goals. In this blog post, we’ll explore hair cycling, its benefits, and why it’s an excellent recommendation for your clients as part of their appointment.

Everything you need to know about hair cycling…

What is Hair Cycling? 🔁

Hair cycling, also known as hair resetting, is a technique that involves alternating between different hair care products throughout the week to help tackle specific hair concerns whilst promoting a healthier scalp.


Our hair can become too familiar with the same haircare being used over and over again, which leads to the hair and scalp not getting the full benefit of the product. The idea behind hair cycling is that by alternating between different products and routines, it helps to reset the hair and scalp.


Hair cycling is especially worthwhile if your client has multiple hair concerns because it ensures that you are targeting all of them with different products. For example, if your client has been using a lot of heat styling tools or had various chemical treatments, hair cycling may involve a period of using nourishing hair care products to help repair and strengthen the hair, followed by a period of using lightweight, more gentle products.

What are the benefits of Hair Cycling?

Hair cycling offers several benefits for both the hair and the scalp. One of the primary benefits is that it helps remove any product buildup or residue that may have accumulated over time. This can help improve the overall health of the hair and scalp by promoting better blood circulation, which can stimulate hair growth.

Hair cycling can also help to balance the natural oils on the scalp, which can be especially beneficial for those with oily or dry hair. By alternating between different hair care products, hair cycling can help to address specific hair concerns, such as breakage, dryness, or frizz. 

Is Hair Cycling good for scalp health?



Incorporating hair cycling into your hair care routine can be a great way to maintain a healthy scalp and promote healthy hair growth.


In 2023, scalp health continues to be an essential aspect of overall hair care, with more and more clients paying more attention to their scalps. A healthy scalp can help prevent hair loss, dandruff, and other conditions, affecting your client’s self-esteem and confidence.  

By using different products with varying ingredients, hair cycling can also help to nourish and strengthen the hair follicles, which in turn can promote healthy hair growth and stimulate blood flow to the scalp, which can help to improve overall scalp health. By removing any product buildup or residue that may have gathered over time, hair cycling can also help to prevent scalp irritation and inflammation. 


Discover: How to treat your client’s dryness & irritation with L’Oreal Scalp Advanced.

How often should you switch up your hair cycling routine?

The frequency at which someone should switch up their hair cycling routine can vary depending on their hair type. However, as a general rule of thumb, it is recommended to create a hair cycling routine that involves rotating different hair products in and out throughout the week with rest days in between. This allows enough time for the hair and scalp to adjust to the new routine and for you to see any benefits or changes.

However, if someone has particularly oily hair, they may need to switch up their routine more frequently to prevent any buildup on the scalp. Ultimately, it’s important for clients to observe their hair and adjust their hair cycling routine as needed to ensure the best results.

How to recommend a Hair Cycling routine for your clients

When it comes to recommending a hair cycling routine to your clients, it’s important to first assess their hair type, texture, and specific concerns. This can help you determine which products and routines will be most effective for their hair. You may also wish to find out what kind of hair care they are currently using.

Every hair cycling regimen will be unique to your clients and their hair, but it’s typically a four to a five-day routine that incorporates “rest days” throughout the week. This allows their hair to breathe and repair itself after using products, cleansers, or masks. You can also recommend specific hair care treatments or masks to address any specific concerns, such as breakage or dryness. 

When recommending a hair cycling routine, be sure to explain the benefits of the routine and how it can help your client achieve their desired hair goals. Encourage your clients to be patient and consistent with the routine, as it may take time to see noticeable results.

Understanding the hair growth cycle is crucial for hairdressers to provide the best possible services to their clients.

By familiarising yourself with the stages of the hair cycle and recognising the signs of hair loss or damage, hairdressers can offer personalised recommendations and treatments to help their clients achieve healthy hair.

What do you think about hair cycling?


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