It may have been a surreal experience closing your salon doors the day the lockdown was announced, probably leaving you more than a little uncertain about what the future holds for your business.

But, while your seats might be empty of clients, you can still do some work behind closed doors. Having some downtime does give you a new opportunity to make some improvements to your business.

Take a look at some of our ideas for things to do when your salon business is closed over the next few weeks…

Give the Salon a Good Clean

We are all now aware more than ever just how important it is to keep your salon clean and sanitary. When salons reopen, this is bound to be at the top of everyone’s agenda, so make sure you review your salon hygiene procedures now.

While you don’t have any clients coming and going, why not head down to your salon by yourself to make sure you have everything you need to maintain your most hygienic working practices. We know it can be difficult to get your hands on salon hygiene supplies at the moment, so make a list of everything you need to get back in stock when possible.

While you’re there, think of whether you need any signage to help remind staff of hygiene procedures, or maybe even put together a training session to make sure everyone has the most up-to-date knowledge on sanitising and disinfecting in the salon.

Re-Organise Your Supplies

When the salon is busy, it’s only natural that mess follows! Why not use this time to give your salon a good clear out, getting everything tidy and in its place? Not only can you and your team return to a well-organised salon, but you might even find it therapeutic to give the place a bit of an overhaul.

While you’re at it, you could also do a quick stock take to make sure you have everything you need for your salon to reopen. Could now be the time to look at introducing some new products to your salon – you’ve got plenty of time to try them out yourself first!

Maybe you want to bring more eco-friendly products and vegan supplies to your business – now is a good time to research them and see if you can budget them this year.

Improve Your Website

Running a salon is more than a full-time job, so things like website maintenance often fall to the back burner.

Now your salon is clean and tidy, why not snap a few new pictures of the interiors to update your website with? Or ask a few clients if you can use their Instagram pictures from your salon to put into a gallery? Check all your branding is consistent, with the same logo across your website and social media.

Think about any new pages you might want to add, perhaps some profiles for your team or information on the products you use – if you use any vegan products or eco-friendly supplies, be sure to shout about it! Make sure people can find out exactly what your salon is about, what you stand for and the great work you do. You could even start a blog in your downtime to give clients some advice on maintaining their treatments at home.

Tidy Up Your Database and Client Records

It’s not just your physical salon that could do with some tidying up every now and then. It is likely that after the new GDPR introductions a couple of years ago, your database was streamlined to include only clients who are happy to receive contact from you.

During this downtime, why not explore any other salon management software you could use? There are a number of cloud-based scheduling and database tools out there, so consider how well yours is working for you and maybe try out a new demo. Perhaps consider the value booking apps could add to your salon or whether some software with a marketing suite could help you further, such as Phorest.

You’ve got plenty of time to try some new things out without having to worry about appointments getting missed, so see what else is out there while you can.

Connect With Others in the Industry

While we may be far apart from each other, communities are reaching out more than ever to show their support. Why not drop a message to any fellow hairdressers or salon owners out there to see how they are doing? You could even ask if they’d like to set up a WhatsApp group to add fellow salon businesses to where you can share advice and support.

Naturally, a lot of the hair and beauty industry has also been turning to social media to keep in the loop. Remember, Facebook and Instagram aren’t just for reaching clients – you can also spread some positivity within the industry too, by offering your expertise to those who need it.

With so much changing information and uncertainty out there, it’s a good time to show some solidarity.

If you need any supplies during the lockdown, Salons Direct are still taking orders as usual. You can always contact us if you are struggling to find what you need.

Find more advice and guidance on the Salons Direct blog…

Helping Your Staff Through the Coronavirus Outbreak | Tips for Looking After Your Clients Hair at Home | The Best Salon Retail Products & How to Sell Them Online